There are many facets to Woodlands Woodworks that can tell you more about who we are as a company. Check out some more details here: Our Story is a quick intro as to who we are and how we started. Our Equipment talks about a wide variety of equipment that we have including 1800's technology all the way to hand designed custom tools. Our Process takes you through the interesting steps of how we select our trees to harvest, how we work with the wood from the forest to the final product. Enjoy the journey as you travel to each of our different parts of the adventure!
Woodlands' holistic process is a critical distinction from tree services and woodworkers. Our interest in the nature and history of the trees, fueled by concern for the environment is the foundation of company. We start out with a tree that has been targeted for felling- or is already down - and take that wood all the way to the products you see in our shop.
Each of our cabinets is hand-crafted to create the dreams of our clients. Woodlands creates fine wo
Each of our cabinets is hand-crafted to create the dreams of our clients. Woodl
Virtually every product that is built by Woodlands is custom designed to the exact specifications an...
Virtually every product that is built by Woodlands is custom designed to the exa...
Creating usable pieces of art are one of our specialties. We create many household items that not o
Creating usable pieces of art are one of our specialties. We create many househ
Over the years, we have created many unique furniture pieces for our clients. From bookcases to des
Meeting your individual office needs is a must for a comfortable, custom, personal workspace. G
Meeting your individual office needs is a must for a comfortable, custom, person
The wood of this pen is made from Cocobola, and it has a beautiful sleek design, and just the right weight so my hand doesn't get cramped or tired when I have to write. Personally, I love it - Thank you- Lori
I had forgotten what a really comfortable well made pen is like. When I grew up, we didn't have plastic 'icky' pens. Your pen is absolutely amazing and I've found I really love writing again.
Our new bookcases are beautiful and fit in perfectly as they were made to order (color, size, etc) by Allison.
They are works of art, and the woods used are of such rarity that they are also treasures to have. They are so beautiful (did I mention that already)
Youngest child of a Master Carpenter whose trade goes back generations.
Youngest child of a Master Carpenter whose trade goes back generations.
Learned of basic tools and home repairs than most girls of her generation.
Learned of basic tools and home repairs than most girls of her generation.
Raised by woodworkers, she brings unique views to our projects.
Raised by woodworkers, she brings unique views to our projects.
We use green products where possible that do not contain toxins that harm the environment or our clients. When we do use harsh chemicals, we dispose of them properly.
We endeavor to never abuse the gift of the woods that we have. From the sawdust press Wall-E 2 to our small gifts, we use 100% of the tree.
Every shop has some waste. We work hard to not put anything in a landfill and only properly dispose of any chemicals to a recycle facility.
We work with primarily regional woods, saving trees from the woodchippers and giving them new life.
Our wood scraps are saved for the winter where we heat our home with our fireplace. This keeps energy costs down and utilizes 100% neutral use for the scraps.
In this day and age, disposable products seem to be the mainstream. We carefully craft every product we make for long term use.
For Business: For Business inquiry fill our short feedback form or send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.